Health authorities in all jurisdictions are constantly refining guidelines and tasks required to be performed by Facility Service Providers. Tasks required are becoming quite specific. Service Providers have the obligation to follow legislative requirements to control professional liabilities. The guidelines span from training of staff, chemicals and cleaning methods to providing comprehensive reporting.
The reporting needs to explicitly describe what tasks ‘will be’ or ‘have been’ undertaken at specific locations and what kind of high touch surfaces have been cleaned at each of these locations. There are some additional requirements i.e. to provide proof of staff training and methods and substances used. This is not a complete list by any means.
As we can see there is a lot of information to compile. Getting it wrong can result in significant breach for all involved. This reporting data, is or will be used, for decision making by health authorities and to instil confidence in the community.
This was quite a cumbersome and time consuming exercise for admin teams for most of our clients (to engage building management by furnishing information of what is required and report compiling after the outbreak cleaning).
NowYouCan’s tech-team worked closely with our clients and have developed a solution which allows maximum flexibility and compiling of report for Covid-19 Outbreak Control is now a matter of few minutes. Allowing the admin teams to focus on high value tasks rather than ‘after the event’ manual report writing and trying to fill up information gaps from disparate sources.
Wouldn’t you like to empower your admin teams to take control and provide site teams information at their finger tips to perform the tasks.